HIGH PACKAGE ( 1.500.000 ) (Only 1.300.000) $85  / UPGRADE FROM GPACK (IDR 800.000) $55

Equipment List : 
Gehenna Weapon [ Rare X ]  Lv60 +6 (1Pcs)
Gehenna Hybrid Armor [ Rare X ] +6 (8Pcs)
Special Council Armor Lv55 +6 (8Pcs)
Reaper Mantle Lv60 +6 (1 Pcs)
Gehena Shield +6 / SubShield Lv55  (Choose One)
Elemental HDH High (4 Pcs)
Weapon Leon`s High Lv55 +6 (1 Pcs)
SCHALE Special Scream Mask [ Rare X ] Lv60 +6 (1 Pcs)

Special Bonus Package :
Money Capsule +1B (5Pcs)
Gold Capsule +127.000 (10Pcs)
PvPl Capsule +127.500 (1Pcs)
Level Capsule +60 (1Pcs)
Talk Jade Permanent (1Pcs)

MEDIUM PACKAGE ( 800.000 ) $55 / UPGRADE FROM GPACK (IDR 400.000) $30

Equipment List : 

Gehenna Weapon [ Rare X ] +5 (1Pcs)
Gehenna Hybrid Armor [ Rare X ] +5 (5Pcs)
Reaper Mantle Lv60 +6 (1 Pcs)
Gehena Shield +5 / SubShield Lv55  (Choose One)
Elemental HDH High (2 Pcs)
Weapon Leon`s Med Lv55 +6 (1 Pcs)
SCHALE Special Scream Mask [ Rare X ] +6 (1 Pcs)

Supplies/Service Item Donation

Item Name

Price IDR/$

Change Type Item 1 Rp. 50.000 / $5
Tab Item Gehenna 1 Rp. 150.000 / $5
Change Base Class Only Rp. 50.000 / $5

Change Job With Items

Rp. 200.000 / $20
Change Race With Change Job & Items

Rp. 300.000 / $30

Change Nickname

Rp. 50.000 / $5

Generator Aura [ +10 % Damage +10% MaxHP ]

Rp. 150.000 / $10 (3Days Duration)


Special Item Donation

Item Name

Price Idr/$

Gematria Weapon [ Relic Superior ] +6 (1Pcs) Rp. 600.000 | $55
Emperor Cloak Grade V +6 (1Pcs) Rp. 300.000 | $22
Permanent Potion Set's Bellato (1Pcs Buffer Potion , Potato & Choco , Premium Potion 5k) Rp. 300.000 | $22
Permanent Potion Set's Cora (1Pcs Buffer Potion , Potato & Choco , Premium Potion 5k) Rp. 300.000 | $22
Permanent Potion Set's Accretia (1Pcs Buffer Potion , Potato & Choco , Premium Potion 5k) Rp. 300.000 | $22
MAU Blessing's Permanent (1Pcs) Rp. 150.000 | $10

Kivotos Elementals Sets (2Pcs Ring , 2Pcs Amulet)

Rp. 300.000 | $22